Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Parsley tea

How to make Parsley Tea and Benefits

Parsley Tea is to pour 1 cup of boiling water over the plant material to be infused . Allow it to stand for about 5 minutes and then strain the tea , Drink İt Hot ,You can add 1 - 2 drop Lemon Juice
( * Parsley tea should not be given to Pregnant Women as it acts as a uterus stimulant.
** Parsley tea is abundant in oxalic acid. Thus, it should not be given to patients of Kidney İnflammation as it may cause the formation of kidney stones. )

Benefits :

* One of the biggest parsley tea benefits is its assistance in the treatment of diseases such as Arthritis and Rheumatism.

* Parsley tea helps in Detoxification . it helps in flushing out of toxins from the body.

* Parsley tea is rich in vitamin C, which supports the absorption of İron in the body. Thus, parsley tea cures Anemia

* It helps in Blood Vessel Rejuvenation. It maintains the elasticity of the blood vessels and also helps in repairing their wear and tear.

* It helps in bringing regularity in Menstrual Cycles and It assists in easing Menstrual Cramps.

* You may derive Weight Loss benefits from parsley tea as it acts as a Diuretic.

* İt has high content of Chlorophyll. Therefore, it assists the body in getting rid of harmful, pathogenic micro-organism.

* It helps the Lungs to discharge residues that keep accumulating in it due to environmental pollution.

* Parsley tea assists in the dissolution of Gallstones.

* it relieves excessive gas from the alimentary canal.

* One of the important benefits of parsley tea to humans include treatment of Deafness and Ear İnfections.

Deacon pat

Due to moving, school, work and just being busy, I have not had an internet connection since my last blog post nor have I had the time. A couple days after my last post, I did meet with one of the deacons of the church I have been attending and discussed why I wanted to convert. I simply told him that I have always been interested in the Catholic faith and I felt lead (or convicted, however you prefer to say it) to go through the conversion process. Even if I don't end up converting, I know that my faith will be stronger. That is what I told him. He said that was the most honest answer he had heard in a while. Which surprised me. He said most people convert simply because their significant other is Catholic and he or she wants their partner to be Catholic.

The Deacon also gave me a little lesson, to "tide me over" till R.I.C.A. Starts, he basically talked about how
the Catholic Saints are like yoda and Obi-Wan kenobi and the "leadership" of the force so to speak. While he is praying he prays to the Saints to pray with him to God on whatever his prayer request is, and that "force" is something he can rely on to answer his prayers accordingly. Of course if it's Gods will.